Change log's

Here get a quick overview of what is up with

🦊 Firefox Addon is Live - 15/05/2020

Good News, If you wanted to use on firefox it's finally available

Download Now:

Improved User Experience and Bugs - 15/05/2020

  • When user install the extension for the first and submit licence key user can just enter to submit.

  • Account without email was not able to login fixed.

  • When open 2 blue border not visible and not able to click to blur bug fixed

  • When open 2nd time apply blur area button was not removing on apply click

  • On move blur area keep blur was not saving correct position and dimensions

version: 1.0.0

Hide title and logo - 05/05/2020

Do you want to hide the tab title, and icon? maybe sharing a instagram story and want to keep site identity anonymous or maybe sharing google ads web page and don't want to show the number give it a try and share your experience at

Update: 0.9.12

Page Visibility Issues Fix

So if you use basecamp or have used google images while being installed you may have faced a bit problem to reload on basecamp and not able to see on google images.

its now fixed Yay!

Update - 0.9.8

Added (+) Blur (-) and more..

  1. Pointer Problem Fixed

  2. Added + Blur -

  3. Blur area above the dashboard

Update - 0.9.7

Licence key input update, so now even if you enter extra ,, with your correct licence key we will take care of it for you.

Update - 0.9.6

Blur Area with

Blur area simplifies the process since now you are not dependent on the elements on the webpage to decide what to blur just start from where ever you like and blur it out.

Update - 0.9.5

Google Sheet Page Bug

So when you visit google docs it was not opening properly including few other sites because of so i fixed it will be live with approval from web store team.

Update - 0.9.4

Keep Blur Patch

So when you keep something blur on reload for some milli second the sensitive info was visible not anymore YAY!

Update - 0.9.3

Don't let it go

So i received a message from Salcedo one of our customer, mentioning that on one page blurweb app is on the bottom left corner so we fixed the bug 🥳

So if you are facing the same on any other page give it a try with 0.9.2v and if still face problem mail us at

Update - 0.9.2

Added Keep Changes

So you blur something but when you reload its gone 😢 not anymore we added keep changes option so now you can reload and things will be already blur for you.

here is quick demo:

Just Got better

  1. Fixed confusing on/off button.

  2. Removed + and - blur options.

  3. Now click 2 blur and click again 2 unblur.

  4. Improved text blur now we can blur text by selecting it.

Here is quick video demo:

Last updated